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Drugs & Medical Devices - Issue: 168
Philadelphia Jury Adds $7 Million in Punitive Damages to $5.5 Million Compensatory Verdict At Conclusion of Prolift Mesh Trial
Miss. High Court Affirms Dismissal of Claims Against Hologic in Novasure Injury Case
Pedicle Screw Plaintiff Not Entitled to 510(k) Submissions for Unrelated Components, Judge Rules
Philadelphia Jury Awards Prolift Transvaginal Mesh Plaintiff $5.5 Million in Compensatory Damages
Drugs & Medical Devices - Issue: 54
Biomet Plaintiffs’ Committee Says M2a-Taper Claims Should be Remanded, Are Designed ‘Significantly’ Different
JPML Refuses to Vacate Transfer Orders in Stryker Rejuvenate, Durom Hip Cup Actions
Calif. Appellate Court Denies Petition for Writ of Mandate in DePuy ASR Hip Coordinated Docket