
Asbestos is the source for more complete asbestos-related litigation news. Summaries of important decisions, verdicts and complaints are at the core of every issue, but this publication isn't simply a review of case law. We identify the critical trends and track important stories as they unfold, bringing you unique insights and valuable information.
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Benzene & Emerging Toxic Torts Litigation
HarrisMartin's Benzene & Emerging Toxic Torts Litigation Report will track recent developments in litigation stemming from exposure to benzene, as well as a number of other emerging areas of toxic tort litigation, such as talc, silica, pesticides and other chemical exposures.
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Camp Lejeune & Water Contamination
HarrisMartin's Camp Lejeune and Water Contamination Litigation Report covers litigation that has been simmering for decades and has been thrust into the spotlight by the passage of S.B. 3373, Honoring our PACT Act of 2022, which includes the Camp Lejeune Justice Act of 2022. This new online-only resource will cover not only the anticipated thousands of claims relating to water contamination at Camp Lejeune, but also other pending water contamination across the country.
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Drugs & Medical Devices
Get ready for the next wave of pharmaceutical and medical device litigation with HarrisMartin's Drugs & Medical Devices. This reporter will keep you one step ahead of drug and medical device litigation with in-depth investigations, guest commentaries and objective courtroom coverage on today's and tomorrow's hottest drugs and supplements.
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MDL Mass Tort & Class Action Monitor
Developed to serve primarily as a litigation scouting report for plaintiff and defense counsel, insurers and legal service providers, HarrisMartin’s MDL Mass Tort & Class Action Monitor covers significant new filings and decisions in the JPML, MDL and related mass tort arenas. The quick delivery of breaking news and additional features will keep you within close range of every development occurring in the high-stakes environment of mass torts litigation — where minutes can make a difference. The MDL Mass Tort & Class Action Monitor is an online-only offering that includes frequent email updates and is available at no charge to annual and event sponsors of HarrisMartin’s CLE Conferences.
Download a publication order form here or subscribe here.

Reinsurance & Arbitration
Reinsurance is an ever-changing industry and the competition is getting tougher. To maintain their edge, even the most seasoned litigators require an insider's knowledge of the latest news, issues and strategies. There's an easy way to stay on top all of the latest reinsurance-related legal developments. Subscribe to HarrisMartin's Reinsurance & Arbitration Report, a publication and online resource from HarrisMartin Publishing.
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Talcum Powder Litigation Report
Hot on the heels of separate $72 million and $55 million verdicts entered against Johnson & Johnson defendants, HarrisMartin has launched this Talcum Powder Litigation Report, an online-only resource dedicated solely to news on talc-based powder ovarian cancer claims.
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