Asbestos is the source for more complete asbestos-related litigation news. Summaries of important decisions, verdicts and complaints are at the core of every issue, but this publication isn't simply a review of case law. We identify the critical trends and track important stories as they unfold, bringing you unique insights and valuable information.
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Asbestos - Issue: 270
LTL Management Says It Will No Longer Pursue Appeal of 3rd Circuit Order Dismissing First Chapter 11 Petition
3rd Circuit Had Denied Motion to Stay Mandate Prior to Re-Filing of Chapter 11 Petition
Judge Kaplan Issues Order Official Dismissing LTL’s Chapter 11 Petition Hours Before New One is Filed
LTL Management Refiles for Ch. 11, Proposes $8.9 Billion Settlement of Talc Claims
Asbestos - Issue: 269
New York Trial Court Rejects Kaiser Gypsum’s Post-Trial Motions, Allowing $15 Million Verdict to Stand
3rd Circuit Denies LTL Management’s Petition Seeking Review of Order Dismissing Chapter 11 Petition