HarrisMartin's Benzene & Emerging Toxic Torts Litigation Report will track recent developments in litigation stemming from exposure to benzene, as well as a number of other emerging areas of toxic tort litigation, such as talc, silica, pesticides and other chemical exposures.
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Benzene & Emerging Toxic Torts Litigation - Issue: 156
New Hampshire Federal Court Tosses Unjust Enrichment Claim in Water Contamination Suit; Allows Rest of Claims to Proceed
D.C. Court of Appeals Weighs in on Challenges to OSHA’s Final Rule on Silica Workplace Exposure
EPA Releases Draft Risk Assessments for Glyphosate, Says Roundup Ingredient ‘Not Likely to be Carcinogenic to Humans’
Benzene Plaintiffs Back Remand Efforts, Say They Have Valid Claims Against In-State Defendant
Dow Chemical Seeks Reconsideration of Order Denying Summary Judgment in Benzene Case
Benzene & Emerging Toxic Torts Litigation - Issue: 155
Del. Court Denies Motion to Dismiss in Benzene, Chemical Exposure Case Filed by Former Railroad Employee