Judge Severs Claims of Four Nondiverse Plaintiffs from Nationwide Class Action Suit
December 4, 2002
- Order
NEW YORK-A federal judge recently severed the claims of four non-diverse plaintiffs involved in a nationwide class action lawsuit against the manufacturer of Rezulin and remanded their cases to state court. In re: Rezulin Products Liability Litigation, MDL No. 1348 (S.D.N.Y.).
U.S. District Judge Lewis A. Kaplan's Nov. 7 order states that the two plaintiffs who reside in New York and the two who reside in New Jersey are misjoined because they have nothing in common with the other plaintiffs except that they ingested Rezulin. Judge Kaplan ruled that remand was proper because Pfizer is a citizen of New York …
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April 08, 2025 - Long Beach, CA
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