DuPont Reiterates Wish to Terminate C-8 Water Contamination Docket; MDL Court Won’t Weigh in Until 6th Circuit Handles Appeal

  • Notice
  • Order
  • Reply

COLUMBUS, Ohio –– DuPont has filed a reply brief supporting its position that the multidistrict litigation docket for C-8 water contamination should be terminated, saying MDL dockets were “not designed to last forever.”

In a Sept. 29 brief filed with the U.S. Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation, the defendant urged the panel to end the proceedings, which started nearly 10 years ago, saying that it has repeatedly determined that an MDL should be terminated when a transferee court “has accomplished common discovery, bellwether trials, large-scale settlements, and pretrial rulings that may serve as useful guidance to future courts addressing future …


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September 25, 2024 - Nashville, TN
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