Valsartan MDL Special Master Denies ZHP’s Motion to Amend Answer to Add Champerty Defense
April 23, 2024
- Order
TRENTON, N.J. — A special master in the MDL docket for cases alleging economic losses resulting from the alleged contamination of valsartan-containing drugs (VCDs) has denied defendant Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. (ZHP)’s motion for leave to file a second amended answer.
In an April 18 order, Hon. Thomas I. Vanaskie (Ret.) agreed with plaintiffs that that ZHP’s motion was untimely because it failed to include its proposed new defense of champerty in its initial answer filed in early December.
ZHP sought to challenge the validity of the assignments of claims by EmblemHealth Services Company, LLC, Group Health Incorporated, and …

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March 26, 2025 - Charlotte, NC
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