Calif. Appellate Court Asks Trial Court to Show Why Writ Shouldn’t Be Granted in Asbestos Dispute

  • Notice to the Bar, Order
  • Order to Show Cause
  • Writ

SAN FRANCISCO –– A California appellate court has asked a trial court to show why the relief requested in a recent writ of mandate and/or prohibition regarding deposition time limits should not be granted.

In a June 25 order to show cause, the California Court of Appeal, First Appellate District, Division Five, asked that real parties in interest to serve and file a return to the petition on or before July 2. Oral arguments were set for July 15.

In a separate filing the same day, the appellate court recognized that “numerous other defendants in the underlying superior court …


HarrisMartin's MDL Conference

September 25, 2024 - Nashville, TN
Hutton Hotel


HarrisMartin's Midwest Asbestos Litigation Conference

September 27, 2024 - St. Louis, MO
Four Seasons Hotel, St. Louis