Johnson & Johnson Details $3.9 Billion Litigation Expense Related to 25,000 Talcum Powder Claims in SEC Filing

  • Securities Filing

WASHINGTON, D.C. –– Johnson & Johnson noted a litigation expense of $3.9 billion in 2020 in a recent securities filing, noting that the number is “primarily associated with talc-related reserves and certain settlements.”

Johnson & Johnson filed the Form 10-K document, or the Annual Report Pursuant to Section 13 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, on Feb. 22 with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

The document details the company’s position in a number of ongoing litigation dockets, including pelvic mesh products, hip replacement devices, Risperdal, Xarelto, Invokana, Elmiron, and talcum powder products.

Noting that the number of …


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