HarrisMartin: Remote Jurors in California Reach Defense Verdict for Honeywell at Conclusion of Asbestos Trial

  • Complaint
  • Verdict Sheet

OAKLAND, Calif. –– Jurors who have been deliberating virtually over Zoom have reached a defense verdict for Honeywell at the conclusion of an asbestos trial, sources told HarrisMartin Publishing.

Jurors in the California Superior Court for Alameda County reached the verdict earlier today, two days after they began deliberations.

The plaintiffs alleged in the complaint that Ricardo Ocampo’s mesothelioma was caused by exposure to asbestos-containing products he encountered while working as a custodian “at various auto dealerships as well as various manufacturing and commercial locations.”

When reached by HarrisMartin for comment, a representative for Honeywell stated that "Mr. Ocampo’s illness …


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