Kansas Court Rejects Objections to Order Disallowing Disclosure of Expert After Deadline in Asbestos Case

  • Opinion

KANSAS CITY, Kan. –– A Kansas federal court has rejected defense objections to a magistrate judge’s order finding that the asbestos defendant should not be permitted to disclose a ninth expert witness after the expert disclosure deadline.

In the Feb. 13 order, the U.S. District Court for the District of Kansas reasoned that while there is no evidence that the Budd Co. acted in bad faith, its late disclosure of the expert is a result of a lack of evidence.

Plaintiff Nancy Little brought the lawsuit on behalf of her father, Robert L. Rabe, contending that he encountered …


HarrisMartin's MDL Conference

September 25, 2024 - Nashville, TN
Hutton Hotel


HarrisMartin's Midwest Asbestos Litigation Conference

September 27, 2024 - St. Louis, MO
Four Seasons Hotel, St. Louis